The Secret Life of Bees (Chpts. 5-8)
By: Sue Monk Kidd
Pages: 82-164
During Lily's first week at the Boatwright's house she feels as if it was consolation. She starts her work with August working with bees to make honey. Rosaleen helps in the kitchen with May. Later on a boy named Zack who is August's helper returns. Here is an overview of the characters that are introduced in the story:
August: she's the oldest of the sisters and the one in charge. Se loves making honey and that's she makes her money off of. She is a strong believer of Mary and that's what her religion surrounds. She is very smart and always seems to know the right things to say. She also seems to be so free and has a strong sense of herself.
June: she welcomes Lily with palpable hostility. She is an Enlgish teacher. She spends her time playing the cello for the dead. In an earlier time in her life she was to get married but the guy never showed up for the wedding. So then she promised herself that she would never marry again and it has gone so far to the point where she refuses to marry Neil, whom she is in love with, no matter how much he asks her.
May: When she as younger she had a twin sister, April. They had an odd relationship with each other because whatever one felt the other also felt. When April committed suicide May began to feel everyone else's pain whenever she was expose to it. She had a very bright aura about her. She keeps a wall of all her pains as a way to get them out of her.
Zack: he wants to become a lawyer but the only thing that he fears can hold hime back is the color of his skin. He also starts to really like Lily but his skin color also becomes a factor for him.
During this part Lily does something that shell probably regret. She makes a collect call to T. Ray to ask if he knew what her favorite color is.
"I live in a hive of darkness, and you are my mother, I told her. You are the mother of thousands" (Kidd 164).
This is when Lily gets touch the statue of Mary's heart. This is what she telling her as she is doing this. She believes that Mary is her mother and is watching over her. The second part of the quote is the same thing that August had told Lily and she kept it with her.